One thing that separates Country Lumber from ordinary lumberyards is our in-house drafting and design services. We’ve missed having that available for the past few months, but I am happy to announce that THE DESIGN CENTER IS BACK!

Scott Ripley, a draftsman with 29 years of experience, is the newest member of the Country Lumber team. He will be taking over the Design Center and offering drafting services for projects of all sizes, from decks to dream homes.
Scott is a self-proclaimed “family man,” (Seriously. That’s pretty much the best descriptor someone can give themselves in my book) and he and his wife of two years have three young adult kids between them. They also have a pair of chihuahuas, and if you know chihuahuas, you know they’re really in charge! Scott is also a sports fan who enjoys traveling and golf.
Scott’s favorite part of being a draftsman is meeting new people and being part of creating their dreams.
If you’re ready to dream of your next project contact Scott at scottr@countrylumber.us or 763-262-4750.